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Support Our Lake

"Skogman Lake is most valuable, important, and admired by all who live on the lake. Like all valuables, our lake needs to be protected.
Who could care more for our lakes than the people who love them and live on them?
That someone is you!"


Our mission is to serve as stewards of our lake community, to protect, preserve, and improve the quality of Skogman Lake.  The county board delegates specific authorities to Skogman LID.  Some of these may include the right to:

  • Apply for and comply with DNR and other agency and local permits and policies required for specific lake management projects.

  • Undertake lake research projects.

  • Conduct programs of water improvement and conservation.

  • Serve as local sponsor/recipient for state and federal projects and grants.

  • Maintain public beaches, docks, and other public facilities.

  • Regulate water surface use.

  • Provide and finance certain local government services within the LID.

  • Implement a water monitoring program.


Projects and activities undertaken by the LID must comply with all local, state, and federal regulations.


Skogman LID must have an annual meeting of property owners in July or August to elect new directors, approve the budget and projects for the upcoming year, and discuss other district activities.


Skogman LID annual meeting will be June 28 or July 5, 2025.

The 2024 annual meeting was held on June 29, with hosts Bill and Cherie Berg.


You can request a copy by emailing Shari VanAlstine or the Secretary.

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

Stop Aquatic Hitchhickers

Regardless of the activity — boating, paddling, fishing, moving shoreline equipment, using recreational gear on the water, or caring for aquarium pets or water gardens — everyone can pledge to do their part and take several simple actions to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Be sure to follow Minnesota laws:

• Clean watercraft, trailers and equipment to remove aquatic plants and prohibited invasive species.

• Drain all water and leave drain plugs out during transport.

• Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash.

• Never release bait, plants or aquarium pets into Minnesota waters.

• Dry docks, lifts and rafts for 21 days before moving them from one water body to another.

And take these additional steps to reduce the risk of spreading aquatic invasive species whenever possible:

Decontaminate watercraft and equipment. Find free stations on the Courtesy Decontamination page of the DNR website (gov/Decon).

Spray with high-pressure water or rinse with very hot water (120 degrees for at least two minutes or 140 degrees for at least 10 seconds).

Dry watercraft and equipment for at least five days before using in another water body.

People should contact an area DNR aquatic invasive species specialist at if they think they have found any invasive species that has not already been confirmed in a lake or river.

More information is available on the Aquatic Invasive Species page of the DNR website (

Swim Area Maintenance

If you are a lakeshore property owner who wishes to maintain a swimming or boat-docking area, you may cut or pull submerged vegetation without a DNR permit under certain conditions:

  1. The area to be cleared must be no larger than 2,500 square feet.

  2. The cleared area must not extend more than 50 feet along the shoreline 


DNR Walleye Fish Stocking

The Minnesota DNR has stocked Walleye in Skogman Lake every two years but plans to do it more often.

The latest data from the DNR is:

  1. 2023: 134,000 walleye fry stocked in May.

  2. 2022: 134,000 walleye fry stocked in May.

  3. 2021: 134,000 walleye fry stocked.

  4. 2019: 134,000 walleye fry weighing 1.1 lbs.

  5. 2017: 134,000 walleye fry weighing 1.1 lbs.

  6. 2013: 6,248 walleye fingerlings weighing 157 lbs.

Shoreline Chemical Treatment for AIS

Sign up for 2025 shoreline chemical application or DIY treatment.

Treatment options for 2025 from Aquatic Conservation Services 763-257-5852


Now scheduling for the 2025 season! Call or Email today for a free consultation.
Please return the DNR Permit Authorization Form to Spencer Richards by March 1st.

2 applications for $600 plus the $40 DNR permit fee.



Thank you,

Spencer Richards



DIY Shoreline Treatment
Lake Restoration, who we have signed up to treat the lakeside CLP and EWM problem, has Aquathol K available for retail. Their most popular DIY treatment is the granular bundle of Hydrothol(similar to aquathol) and MuckMaid®, seen here. All these options ship for free, or are available for pickup at their Rogers, MN location.

Wake Boats and Wake Surfing

We all know that Wake Surfing boats generate big waves. According to the U of M 2021 study, the waves are 3 to 7 times bigger than a normal speed boat and the waves affect the shoreline more than 500 feet away.


The Skogman LID board requests that Wake Surfing recreation remain in the center of the lake as far away from the shore as possible.  Thank you.

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